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Mindful Programs delivers workplace classes, customized workshops, presentations, and retreats both on and off-site for individuals or organizations.
These programs can help reduce stress, improve communication, and lower days lost due to illness, and employee turnover. Mindful Program’s workplace programs and training can be customized to meet the needs of your organization.
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Why Mindfulness in the Workplace?
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Mindfulness is an effective tool, backed by science, that can be applied to any habit in our life to improve our efficiency, productivity, and how we handle stress.
The Mindfulness in the Workplace program creates a “Mindful Culture” that helps employees integrate simple, practical, scientifically-backed exercises into work (and home) life to:
Be in the present moment and aware of thoughts and emotions. Train your mind and increase your attention span to be calmer, focused, and more productive. Get curious.
Enhances our focus on the present moment, thereby promoting greater engagement in the here and now.
Increases productivity and reduces procrastination and multitasking
Improves awareness of our thought processes and the emotions they trigger, enabling more effective emotional regulation.
Creates greater mental clarity and focus, increasing our capacity for critical thinking and problem-solving.
Compassion, Connection and Communication
Feel connected. Develop skills to strengthen appreciation, kindness, and compassion through building connection skills.
Improves listening skills.
Increases our relational mindfulness capacity to read other people, enhancing empathy and compassion.
Promotes new possibilities in a difficult team or interpersonal relationships and conflict by replacing habitual reactions with more considered responses.
Enhance relationship with technology.
Purpose and Meaning
Stay motivated. Strengthen your values and principles and learn simple skills to apply them in everyday life.
Increase job satisfaction.
Articulate your mission.
Unleashes our capacity for innovation and creativity.
Enriches our appreciation of the greater meaning and purpose in what we do.
Authenticity – learn to be true to ourselves.
Well-Being and Resilience
Well-being is a skill that can be cultivated. Learn how your sense of self shapes your emotions and reactions, and practice self-inquiry to decrease stress and emotional reactivity.
Increase well-being and happiness.
Build resilience to stress. Dramatically improves our stress management, making us better able to deal with challenges created by workloads, deadlines, and interpersonal conflict.
Better able to manage change.
Avoid burnout.
Reduce turnover.
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Learn More About Workplace Programs for Your Organization
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What You Will Learn
Mindful Program’s workplace mindfulness program enables employees to make effective decisions in their organizations and career by cultivating a rational mind to observe the situation at hand and bring objectivity to every situation. Individuals learn strategies to:
Reduce anxiety, stress, and tension |
Adapt to rapid industry changes & consumer demands |
Accomplish goals in an efficient, focused, and productive manner |
Increase creativity and ability to innovate beyond self-imposing limits |
Listen mindfully |
Work confidently with coworkers, managers, and other employees |
Handle goal feedback, whether it is perceived as positive or negative, and respond wisely |
Rebound more easily from adversity, conflict, or failure |
Gain health and wellness benefits |
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